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EYE AM WHO EYE AM (scrapped EP)

Dec 11 0 songs

About The Release

"EYE AM WHO EYE AM" is a 2023 scrapped EP made in its entirety by Muchi. A good handful of the songs were released on DSPs as singles waterfalling to the release of this EP. The idea and narrative of this EP is that even through all the mistakes, errors, and hardships you face in life, You must always be who you are and you can always change whoever that is. Those things you did beforehand or faced don't make you. The personality traits you define yourself as DON'T make you. Whatever you decide to be that minute and in that moment, is you.

Music Min. Pricing$1
Exclusive AccessAlbum
Release DateDec 11, 2023


Muchi - EYE AM WHO EYE AM (scrapped EP) - hip-hop, rap - Dec 11, 2023 - 0 songs - Eyeon Piece/ EYECON Records