Album Cover


Jun 19 1 songs
DevotionBen Westlund

About The Release

Devotion is the debut single of B Peace MVMT which started as a conversation between Bubba Peace and Ben Westlund regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Bubba had come to support Ben at one of his shows, and Ben invited Bubba on stage to freestyle to his last song Grind On. They immediately felt a vibe, and after the show, when Bubba shared that he was seeking to put together a collective of visionaries to create music not just to entertain, but to educate, inspire and transcend humanity, Ben was down to join him on his mission. Shortly thereafter, a sudden wave of inspiration hit Ben, and he feverishly made a beat using his iPhone and a pair of plug-in Apple headphones. He knew that it was the perfect project for B Peace MVMT and he sent it to Bubba who then shared it with Zea Stallings and later Shiann. With Zea lending his rhythmic melodies, Shiann adding angelic vocals, Ben and Bubba crafting the story, Devotion was born and the rest is history.

Music Min. Pricing$1
Exclusive AccessAlbum
Release DateJun 19, 2024


Ben Westlund - Devotion - hip-hop, alternative - Jun 19, 2024 - 1 songs - B Peace MVMT