Album Cover

01 Accord

Oct 04 7 songs
IntroTimothy Westbrook II
InawayTimothy Westbrook II
She WorryTimothy Westbrook II
TimelessTimothy Westbrook II
Painty raidTimothy Westbrook II
Untold StoryTimothy Westbrook II
6ftTimothy Westbrook II

About The Release

"01 Accord" into a powerful narrative that resonates with authenticity and profound sensitivity. His untimely passing in May 2024 adds a layer of bittersweet poignancy to this work, making it not just an album, but a heartfelt tribute to his legacy. "01 Accord" is more than music; it's an emotional testament to the life and death of relationships, and a final, unforgettable gift from a producer who poured his soul into every beat. As listeners immerse themselves in the sonic landscape of "01 Accord," they will find themselves on a journey that mirrors the intricacies of their own lives. The mixtape seamlessly blends genres, from soulful ballads to electrifying anthems, each track a testament to Bam's extraordinary ability to capture the essence of human experience.

Music Min. Pricing$1
Exclusive AccessAlbum, Chat
Release DateOct 04, 2024


Timothy Westbrook II - 01 Accord - rnb, hip-hop - Oct 04, 2024 - 7 songs - Success Needs Active People